[Gfoss] OneGeology, MapServer e GeoServer


Da "How_To_Serve_a_OneGeology_WMS_v1_1.pdf" [1]

"Any Level 1 participant that plans in the long term to serve a Level
2 OneGeology WFS web service will want to serve this type of category
of data to make it straightforward to move from a Level 1 WMS to a
Level 2 WFS (which is likely to be served using 'sister' software to
MapServer called GeoServer — we plan to make available such software
in the same packaged and pre-configured as far as possible form as
here with this Level 1 cookbook)."

OneGeology su Freegis-italia [2].
Qualcuno ha qualche informazione in più?

[1] http://www.onegeology.org/docs/technical/How_To_Serve_a_OneGeology_WMS_v1_1.pdf
[2] http://www.freegis-italia.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=480&Itemid=33


Piergiorgio Cipriano