[Gfoss] [Open access data policy]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Roger Longhorn <ral@alum.mit.edu>
Sent by: owner-egip@jrc.it

30/06/2008 15.05

Please respond to
EGIP <european-gi-policy@jrc.it>, GSDI Legal-Economic Work Grouup
[Fwd: Open access data policy]

Apologies to any and all if I have already forwarded this message about
free access - and unlimited use/re-use - to certain Canadian geospatial
data. However, the message arrived while I was at the excellent INSPIRE
2008 Conference in Slovenia (congratulations to the organisers and the
EC), and I am not sure that I actioned it. Thanks also to Mick Wilson at
UNEP in Nairobi for bringing it to the attention of the SDI East Africa
mailing list (see http://www.ungiwg.org/sdi-ea/?q=about) and Steven
Ramage at 1Spatial for passing it on to me.

The two most important IPR phrases from the GeoGratis web site (see
http://www.geogratis.ca/geogratis/en/index.html) are:


       2.0 LICENCE GRANT


     Subject to this Agreement, Canada hereby grants to the Licensee a
     non-exclusive, fully paid, royalty-free right and licence to
     exercise all Intellectual Property Rights in the Data. This
     includes the right to use, incorporate, sublicense (with further
     right of sublicensing), modify, improve, further develop, and
     distribute the Data; and to manufacture and / or distribute
     Derivative Products.


     The Intellectual Property Rights arising from any modification,
     improvement, development or translation of the Data, or from the
     manufacture of Derivative Products, effected by or for the
     Licensee, shall vest in the Licensee or in such person as the
     Licensee shall decide.



for the full license terms.

Well done, Natural Resources Canada!

Kind regards

Roger Longhorn
co-Chair, GSDI Association Legal & Socioeconomic Working Group

----- Original Message -----

From: Mick Wilson
To: sdi-ea@als.unep.org
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 4:32 PM
Subject: [SDI-EA] [SDI East Africa] Benefits of Open Access Data Policies

Tom hammond at IUCN Canada posted the following to the Conservation
Commons mailing list today. It describes the measurable impact felt
when Canada opened up access to what had previously been fee-based
access to standard framework national data sets, and you'll see that
the result is impressive.

What I will be more curious to see is what effect this has on the
quality of these data once they're being used more by more people in
more different applications - more aggressively perhaps - and the
Government starts getting specific feedback about inaccuracies,
omissions and required updates. A key component of the "Better Data
Sooner" mantra is that community-driven feedback is the best driver
for custodians' continuous improvement of their data products and

Perhaps the Canadians are providing a real-world laboratory in which
to test this theory.
National Topographic Data Base (NTDB) comprises digital vector data
sets that cover the entire Canadian landmass. This product includes
thirteen"layers" such as hydrography, hypsography and the road
" The NTDB is a complete and uniform product that can be highly useful
in a broad range of activities– such as planning,
research,conservation work,and private sector development. For
example, it can be used for preparing thematic maps and makes it
suitable for geographic information system (GIS) applications because
the NTDB and its attributes make it possible to use a variety of
spatial analysis techniques.

" Downloads of NTDB data during the government fiscal year ending in
2007, when a fee for use policy was still in place, numbered
under100,000. A change of policy was enacted during the current fiscal
year making the NTDB an open access resource– during which downloads
jumpedby a magnitude of 54 to well over 5 million."
HYPERLINK http://www.thinkwell.ca/cgdi-icdg/libraryDocs/FeevsFree.pdf

<message ends>

EGIP Archive: http://www.ec-gis.org/egip/


Piergiorgio Cipriano

("perchè la terra dei cachi è la terra dei cachi ..!")