[Gfoss] Open Knowledge Foundation Blog » Blog Archive » New report on access to information and open government data

Un rapporto interessante, in cui si cita spesso la geografia:


Le raccomandazioni finali mi paiono ampiamente condivisibili, e potrebbero essere la
base (quasi il manifesto) della sessione sui dati geografici al prossimo GFOSS Day:

It is recommended that governments and IGOs should:
* Re-evaluate the relationship between access to information and reuse of public
sector information laws to ensure that all information held by public bodies,
including databases, falls within the scope of the right to information;
* Re-evaluate pricing and licensing frameworks to ensure that, by default, government
information, including raw data sets, should be available for anyone to use for any
purpose (including added-value commercial purposes) without charge;
* Ensure that the public is able to use information published proactively or released
under access to information laws free of charge.
Open government data and access to information activists should:
* Engage in the discussion and work together around the reform of the PSI Directive
in Europe, a process which offers an opportunity to set global standards on reuse of
public sector information.

Grazie a Giovanni Manghi per il link.
Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc