[Gfoss] Open source nel mondo...


GNU/Linux distributor Red Hat published two interactive maps showing the state of open source and open standards around the world. The maps are based on research by the Georgia Institute of Technology. Administrations in France and Spain are most active on open source, the maps show.


Interessante... lo hanno realizzato con OL, una nota dolente... come sfondo io avrei usato
OpenStreetMap :slight_smile:



Walter Lorenzetti
email: lorenzetti@gis3w.it
skype: aiki74
Cell: (+39) 347-6597931 Tel+Fax: (+39) 0583 926684
Via di Tofori 123a 55010, Camigliano-S.Gemma Lucca

Walter Lorenzetti ha scritto:


GNU/Linux distributor Red Hat published two interactive maps showing the
state of open source and open standards around the world. The maps are
based on research by the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Administrations in France and Spain are most active on open source, the
maps show.


Interessante... lo hanno realizzato con OL, una nota dolente... come
sfondo io avrei usato
OpenStreetMap :slight_smile:

Sarai presto accontentato... :slight_smile: Nelle FAQ leggo:

"The background image is currently provided by Google Maps, but will soon
be replaced by OpenStreetMap data."


Antonio Falciano

Antonio Falciano ha scritto:

Sarai presto accontentato... :slight_smile: Nelle FAQ leggo:

"The background image is currently provided by Google Maps, but will soon
be replaced by OpenStreetMap data."

Non ho letto tutto bene.... :slight_smile:

ciao e grazie


Walter Lorenzetti
email: lorenzetti@gis3w.it
skype: aiki74
Cell: (+39) 347-6597931 Tel+Fax: (+39) 0583 926684
Via di Tofori 123a 55010, Camigliano-S.Gemma Lucca