[Gfoss] [OSGeo-Discuss] 1 week to test the OSGeo-Live DVD before we burn it


In OSGEO si sta portando avanti il discorso “live” (dvd, vm, usb …)
sono state aggiunte numerose applicazioni e si è lavorato molto alla documentazione e dataset di esempio.

Siamo tutti invitati a partecipare :slight_smile:



Inizio messaggio inoltrato:

From: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 2:21 PM
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] 1 week to test the OSGeo-Live DVD before we burn it
To: OSGeo Discussions <discuss@lists.osgeo.org>,
live-demo@lists.osgeo.org” <live-demo@lists.osgeo.org>

The OSGeo-Live DVD is looking great, with 43 pre-configured GeoSpatial
Open Source packages and marketing documentation.

It will be sent to the printers next week, Monday 9 August, and we are
calling on all projects to test their applications and documentation
and verify everything is working fine.

Could everyone with an interest please:

download an ISO or Virtual Machine from here:
run (and update) test steps for your project. Test steps might be “Run
steps in QuickStart”. Record results here:
review documentation:
if inspired - write a quickstart, or add screen shots to an existing quickstart.
fix anything that is broken