[Gfoss] [[OSGeo-Discuss] Announcing the WMS Inspector project]

Corro a provarlo.
-------- Messaggio Originale --------
[Apologies for the cross-posting]

This is a post to announce the first public release of WMS Inspector,
an open source Firefox add-on with tools for working with Web Map
Services (WMS). It can be specially useful when working with Javascript
mapping libraries like OpenLayers or MapBender or setting up WMS services.

Main features include:

    * Load all WMS requests in the current page and their parameters
    * Requests sorting by service or type
    * Individual WMS requests (images or errors) visualization
    * Copy services, requests or parameters to the clipboard
    * Direct edition of request parameters values
    * Output GetCapabilities response as an HTML report or original file

The WMS Inspector can be downloaded from the official Mozilla repository:

For more information, please visit

If you want to contribute as a developer, tester or translator or
just give your opinion, do not hesitate to subscribe or post to the
discussion list:
wmsinspector at freelists.org

Thank you,
Adrià Mercader
Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc

Il 10/03/2010 10.33, Paolo Cavallini ha scritto:

Corro a provarlo.
-------- Messaggio Originale --------
[Apologies for the cross-posting]

This is a post to announce the first public release of WMS Inspector,
an open source Firefox add-on with tools for working with Web Map
Services (WMS). It can be specially useful when working with Javascript
mapping libraries like OpenLayers or MapBender or setting up WMS services.

Main features include:

     * Load all WMS requests in the current page and their parameters
     * Requests sorting by service or type
     * Individual WMS requests (images or errors) visualization
     * Copy services, requests or parameters to the clipboard
     * Direct edition of request parameters values
     * Output GetCapabilities response as an HTML report or original file

The WMS Inspector can be downloaded from the official Mozilla repository:

For more information, please visit

If you want to contribute as a developer, tester or translator or
just give your opinion, do not hesitate to subscribe or post to the
discussion list:
wmsinspector at freelists.org

Thank you,
Adrià Mercader

Tanto per rimanere in tema, l'ho appena provato con il servizio WMS del
Catasto spagnolo [1]. Davvero utile! :wink:


[1] http://ovc.catastro.meh.es/Cartografia/WMS/ServidorWMS.aspx

Antonio Falciano

Da una prima analisi, sembra utilissimo!
Grazie della segnalazione!
