[Gfoss] [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member Election 2008 Results

Allora congratulazioni a Paolo Cavallini, eletto Charter Member per la OSGeo Foundation (e agli altri nelle rispettive lingue, se li conoscete)!

andrea, noto pibinko
http://www.pibinko.org - http://pibinko.splinder.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <jo@frot.org>
Date: 2008/6/10
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member Election 2008 Results
To: discuss@lists.osgeo.org

dear all,

As a result of last week’s voting process, the following people have
become new Charter Members of the OSGeo Foundation in 2008.

Wolf Bergenheim
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
S. Narendra Prasad
Charlie Schweik
Luis W. Sevilla
Paolo Cavallini
Markus Lupp
Athina Trakas
Andrew Ross
Geoff Zeiss
Yves Jacolin
Thierry Badard
Julien-Samuel Lacroix
Martin Davis
Andrew Turner

In a strange twist of fate, there was a four-way tie for last place.
So, the 15th person on the list was selected by a random process.
Thus there is absolutely no sense in which this election was a
popularity contest; it’s just an arbitrary way of assuring continuity of
the Foundation’s ethos and a representative Board, year on year.

Thanks to all who voted. Based on feedback, for the Board election
round I will extend the “window of opportunity” a few more days and
try to send more lastminute reminders of when it is closing.



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