[Gfoss] [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Board Election 2011


-------- Messaggio originale --------
OSGeo Members,

The OSGeo Board Election for 2011 has begun. The first stage is the
nomination of candidates for the board. Board membership is for a two
year term, and half the Board is refreshed each year. This year there
are five seats up for election.


Anyone can submit a Board nomination, however only Charter Members are
eligible to serve on the Board. The complete list of charter members is
available at


A new charter member intake process will be run later this year.

Please submit your nominations by 23:59 (your time zone) on Sunday
August 7th 2011, consisting of name and a paragraph describing why you
think this person would make a good Board member, to cro@osgeo.org, and
CC the OSGeo Discuss list so the community can be nudged along and have
a sense of what is going on. Please ensure that your nominee is actually
willing to serve, prior to nominating them.

The nomination period will close at midnight Thursday 12th August 2010,
and will be followed by a one-week voting period.


Daniel Morissette
OSGeo Chief Returning Officer (2011)

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