[Gfoss] [OSGeo-Discuss] Student funding available for OSGeo codesprint next month!

E' dsponibile un piccolo finanziamento per aiutare uno studente a partecipare al code

-------- Messaggio originale --------
** Please forward this email to any students or others who might be interested. **

Through the generosity of our sponsors -- especially our gold-level sponsor Mobile
Geographics -- we have funding available for a qualified student (or currently
unemployed programmer) to come to Seattle for next month's codesprint.

To apply for the funding, send email to mpg@flaxen.com with a short (250 words max)
statement explaining what open source projects you have contributed to and why you
want to come to the sprint. Extra credit if you can get someone else from the OSGeo
community to recommend you to me.

The amount of funding available will cover at least the registration fee
(lodging/meals), and possibly some travel expenses as well. (Please include in your
email where you would be travelling from.)



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