[Gfoss] [[OSGeo-Discuss] TOP 20 OSGeo Mailman subscriber statistics]

Grazie Markus.

-------- Messaggio Originale --------
Da: Markus Neteler <neteler@osgeo.org>

TOP 20 OSGeo Mailman subscriber statistics:

I have written a small script to count the *enabled* subscribers of all
OSGeo hosted mailing lists, here the top 20 lists:

mapserver-users: 1667
gdal-dev: 1006
grass-user: 938
announce: 868
discuss: 864
mapguide-users: 748
qgis-user: 728
grass-windows: 382
mapserver-dev: 335
gdal-announce: 335
spanish: 303
grass-dev: 299
mapbender_users: 278
mapserver-announce: 274
grass-announce: 270
qgis-developer: 251
grass-stats: 234
geodata: 229
africa: 229
portugal: 227

Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc