[Gfoss] [OSGeo-Edu] Virtual meeting instructions and revised meeting agenda

Ciao a tutti,

per chi fosse interessato, oggi alle 16 si terrà il meeting virtuale del
comitato OSGeo Education. Nella mail trovate tutti i dettagli per


Begin forwarded message:

Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 14:19:12 -0500
From: Charles Schweik <cschweik@gmail.com>
To: OSGeo-edu <edu_discuss@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [OSGeo-Edu] Virtual meeting instructions and revised meeting

Dear OSGeo edu colleagues:

(Apologies for a long email. Contents: (1) Dec 9th virtual meeting
instructions and (2) slightly revised meeting agenda.)

******* VIRTUAL MEETING INSTRUCTIONS (the meeting will be recorded
for people who can't make it)

For the Friday Dec 9th 15:00 (UTC) virtual meeting will be using Adobe
Connect hosted by Phil Davis's Geotech center.

All participants can log in via web browsers. We'll just use voice (no
video feed). The platform can handle up to 50 participants. There will
be a notepad we
will all be able to see so we can take notes. Phil, Suchith and I
tested it this morning and it works great.

In advance of Friday’s meeting, everyone needs to set up their own
computer’s audio and microphone (you need a mic). Try to do this in
advance. Instructions below:

1. Go to http://delmarcollege.adobeconnect.com/dmcgis/. This will be
the "room" we will use on Friday.

2. Choose “Meeting” from the menu.

3. Audio setup wizard. You may need to install the add-in. Follow the
wizard to set up your sound and microphone. On Friday, Phil or I will
enable everyone's microphones.

Friday's meeting room will be available 15 minutes before our start
time of 15:00 UTC so that people can set up their audio/microphones
then or so that we can problem solve.

Finally, would anyone participating be willing to be our "note taker"?
Let me know if you are willing to do this so I can concentrate on
coordinating the meeting.


When: Dec 9th 15:00 UTC OSGeo edu meeting agenda (1 hour)

15:00-15:10 - Setting up the meeting/microphone issues.

15:10-15:25. Refreshing our collective memories. Collaborative
educational (material?) goals for 2012. New ideas regarding
educational inventory and material:

- Our FOSS4G BOF idea -- Educational material to complement LiveDVD in
Fall 2012
- Moving our educational inventory
(http://www.osgeo.org/educational_content) to the use of the U of
Nottingham's web-database system
- Moving toward a set of OSGeo technology webinars? Possible
collaborative online courses?

15:25 - 15:35. Academic Track planning for FOSS4G 2012. [Discussion
lead Suchith]


EU-COST edu workshop idea initiated by Ari. Goals for the workshop -
is it like an "educational material code sprint"? Status on efforts to
secure funding? Location/timing? People leading the effort and next
steps. [Discussion lead: Ari]

A similar US edu workshop? Where? When? What would be the goals of
this workshop? Efforts to secure funding? Location/timing? People
leading the effort and next steps.


Discussion of group governance and the proposal to have "regional
OSGeo edu co-chairs" who would make up an "OSGeo edu steering
committee." Goal here is to come to some consensus on new governance
design and whether we need some kind of election or just embrace
volunteers for regional positions and then take the idea back to this
list for a vote.

Establish two regular meeting times (Western, Eastern hemisphere?)
that somehow can handle our issue of members from all over the world
that we all can block off in our calendars. E.g., Second Fridays of
every month.

Talk to some of you on Friday!

Edu_discuss mailing list
