[Gfoss] [OSGeo-Jobs] Implementation of the mapping component for the GIEWS Workstation

Un annucio di lavoro, penso interessera' a qualcuno.

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Fabio Grita
Coordinator "GIEWS Workstation"
Food Security Information for Action Programme (GCP/GLO/243/EC)

Global Information and Early Warning Service (ESTG)
Trade and Markets Division, (EST)
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
Room D/828
00100 Rome

Tel. +39-06-5705-4262 (direct)
Fax: +39-06-5705-4495
E-mail: fabio.grita@fao.org
Web: _http://www.foodsec.org/workstation_

* *

*Terms of Reference for an assignment *
*with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations*
*Implementation of the mapping component for the GIEWS Workstation *


The FAO Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS) Workstation
is a web mapping application developed by FAO with the funding of the
European Commission. The Workstation gives access to food security
related information and serves as main information management tool at
global, regional and national levels. The aim of the GIEWS Workstation
is to harmonize food security and early warning data within/across
countries and to strengthen analytical capacity of key national
institutions to support food security policy formulation and emergency

The GIEWS Workstation includes software tools to analyze food security
implications of natural and man-made disasters. These tools allow users
to process historical and recent data in order to detect anomalies of
environmental and economic factors (e.g. drought; excessive increase of
market prices) that may reduce local populations’ capacity to access key
food items. The application also includes text management tools that
facilitate the compilation and dissemination of early warning messages.

The application handles different types of information such as remote
sensing data, GIS layers, databases and texts. The GIEWS Workstation is
structured as a network in which individual instances of the application
(e.g. GIEWS Workstations installed in the countries) represent the nodes
of this network. The network architecture is the base for information
sharing. A communication tool built on a peer-to-peer technology (the
same architecture used for sharing music across the Internet) regulates
the flow of information among nodes of the GIEWS Workstation network.

The application is entirely based on Java open-source technology to
avoid license constraints and to allow free distribution. The
application uses several Java frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate,
BIRT, Google Web Toolkit (EXT-GWT), Openlayers, GeoServer, and several
others. The DBMS is Postgres with the extension PostGIS.


The selected candidate will work with the Workstation team in FAO and
will perform the following tasks:

1) Implement the new version of GeoServer (GeoServer 2.x) into the
Workstation architecture and ensure efficient communication with the
other Workstation components

2) Improve the existing technology to link datasets (tables) with
layers; improve efficiency and user friendliness of the user interface

3) Implement Web Map Services (WMS) and Web Processing Services
(WPS) in the Workstation

4) Ensure that adequate security is applied to the layers and
mapping functions

5) Improve the current functionalities for importing layers in the

6) Enhance the capacities of the Style Layer Editor to include 1)
dynamic calculation of the layer statistics in order to define the class
intervals and 2) interactive tools to manually define the class intervals

7) Other tasks as required

_Qualifications and Experience_: University degree or equivalent in
information technology IT skills in the development Web-based,
database-driven applications combining HTML, SGML/XML, XSL, Java and