[Gfoss] [OSSIM] Ossimplanet integration with Grass and Qgis - status report #6

Week 6 (July 3, 2009)

  1. What did I do this week:
  • Fixed the Grass Raster Rendering in Ossim-Gdal plug-in, now we can load grass raster data type (Byte, Uint16, Float32, Float64) in imagelinker and Ossimplanet.
    The rendering works great, all the ossim function like “img2rr, create_histo,
    mosaic, image_info …” now works on grass data too.

  • Finished to wrote a template mapfile to read gps data in real time (gps data stored on postgis) … i need yet to implement an autogenerated mapfile based on selected
    grass layers.

  • Create a python dictionary from the geonames cities database (a dictionary for
    each region) targhet is to have a combobox with listed region once one region is
    selected in an other combobox we’ll have cities names to zoom to.

  • Continue to sperimenting the use of r.external read in grass imagery data generated by ossim.

  1. What do I plan on doing next week:
  • Study/Learning/experiment with the broadcast/listner Ossimplanet’s capabilities.
    (targhet is to load raster data in ossim using tcp connection).

  • Learn more on grass command like : r.cost, r.los, v.net.path, v.net.salesman.
    the targhet is to generate capture nodes using the gui/joystick pass them to grass
    generate visibility-map/route/path and send it out to planet.

  1. Am I blocked on anything: x

blog page : http://www.geofemengineering.it/epifanio/sasha/sasha/Home.html