[Gfoss] [OT] segnalazione su MySQL e Oracle

Vi giro il testo di una email che sta circolando.

Per gli amanti dei vari retroscena tra MySQL e Oracle-Sun e' comunque utile la lettura del blog a questo indirizzo:



I am contacting you because you have in the past shown interest in
MySQL and from that I assume you are interested in the future
well-being of MySQL.

Now you have a unique opportunity to make a difference. By signing
the petition at http://www.helpmysql.org you can help affect the
future of MySQL as an Open Source database.

You can find more information of this on my latest blog post at:

Help us spread the world about this petition!
http://www.helpmysql.org is available in 18 languages and every vote
is important, independent of from where in the world it comes!
If you know people that are using MySQL, please contact them and
ensure they also sign the petition!

Creator of MySQL

PS: If you already have signed the petition or know about it, sorry for
   reminding you about this! Because of the importance of this issue,
   I am trying to contact every person that I have ever communicated
   with regarding MySQL.

Andrea Peri 2007 ha scritto:

Vi giro il testo di una email che sta circolando.

Per gli amanti dei vari retroscena tra MySQL e Oracle-Sun e' comunque
utile la lettura del blog a questo indirizzo:

Interessante, grazie. Questa citazione mi pare particolarmente rilevante per i nostri
Larry Ellison's own statement about open source summarizes it nicely "We don't have
to fight open source, we have to exploit open source".
Io personalmente non ho molta voglia di essere sfruttato: mi pare un pericolo reale e
concreto, a cui porre molta attenzione.
Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc