[Gfoss] [Qgis-community-team] manual 1.8 as html and pdf

Si iniziano a vedere i primi risultati del nuovo sistema di documentazione
multilingua. Come vedete, il lavoro sulla parte italiana e' iniziato.
Grazie a Paolo Corti per aver aiutato in modo determinante a metter su il sistema, a
Matteo per le prime traduzioni, e a tutti quelli che hanno collaborato.

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: [Qgis-community-team] manual 1.8 as html and pdf
Data: Sat, 5 Jan 2013 16:49:11 +0100
Mittente: Otto Dassau <dassau@gbd-consult.de>
Organizzazione: Geoinformatik Büro Dassau
A: qgis-community-team <qgis-community-team@lists.osgeo.org>

Dear community-team,

it seems we have finally finished the migration and update of the english
qgis manual to version 1.8 :). So I would like to thank everybody who
contributed and sponsored this project so far.

Please have a look at the result at the QGIS 1.8 manual:



Apart from the update, we are still about to improve the infrastructure and
translation environment. And of course we need to update content for the
next release, which will provide again a lot of new features.

As a next step I will create a branch for the translations next week so we
can move on updating to the next version in master.

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