[Gfoss] [Qgis-developer] InaSAFE - Scenario Assessment For Emergencies plugin now available

Visto che l'Italia e' notoriamente terra di disastri, purtroppo, credo che questo
annuncio sia particolarmente importante.
In breve: e' stato appena pubblicato un plugin molto articolato, che consente di
produrre scenari di impatto per rischi naturali. E' stato fatto per l'Indonesia, ma
puo' essere facilmente adattato ad altre realta'.
Serve per rispondere a domande come:
- quali aree possono essere colpite (ad es. da un'alluvione)
- quante persone dovrebbero essere evacuate e protette
- quali scuole/ospedali/strade dovranno essere chiuse, ecc.
Se qualcuno e' interessato a localizzarlo per consentirne l'impiego in Italia, faccia

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Dear QGIS Users and developers

We are pleased to announce a new plugin called InaSAFE, available in
EMERGENCIES (InaSAFE) is free software that produces realistic natural
hazard impact scenarios for better planning, preparedness and response
activities. The software is currently being developed in Indonesia
however it can be tailored for any location that is interested in
hazard impact scenario development.

InaSAFE has detailed documentation, which you can find on the home
page here: http://inasafe.org

InaSAFE is released under the GPL 3 license and is completely open
source - you can download the source, file issues and join our
community here:


InaSAFE was conceived and initially developed by the Indonesia's
National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and the Australia Agency
for International Development, through the Australia-Indonesia
Facility for Disaster reduction, the World Bank and the Global
Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery.


Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release Manager)

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surrounding your issue will be shared with all.

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