[Gfoss] [Qgis-developer] Lizmap Web Client and Plugin: new versions released !

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Rilasciata la nuova versione di LizMap, per la pubblicazione web di
progetti QGIS. Alcune funzioni davvero nuove, ad es. la localizzazione
atuomatica tramite il GPS del device che state usando - provatelo su
uno smartphone.

- -------- Messaggio originale --------
We are pleased to announce the release of a new version of
LizMap-Web-Client 2.7.0 and a new version of the LizMap plugin (1.8.0)
for QGIS

This new version brings some interesting new features:

* Online documentation (build in restructuredText with Sphinx). It is
now only in French, but we will try to set up a pootle instance and
start translating it into english). For now, you can use Google
translate, which helps a bit I hope
It contains the plugin and Web application docs:

* Printing Support
Users can print the first composer found in QGIS. External baselayers
(Google and others) are not printed.

* Support for "annotations"
Users can add new features to a Spatialite or PostGIS layer of the QGIS
project. Once the geometry is created in the web interface, a popup with
a form will appear and let the user fill in the fields data. The form
uses nearly all the edit types (list of vales, checkbox, text edit,
range, etc.). Only the addition is available for the moment, hence the
name "Annotation" and not "Edition"

* Geolocation
This tools allows the user to automatically find its position on the
map. For mobile devices, GPS is recognized and allows more precise

* Address search
A search input let the users search for an address. The geocoding engine
is currently Nominatim, which uses OpenStreetMap data (
http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org ). The search is restricted to the
extent of the QGIS project.

* Zoom History
The user can go back (and forward) while navigating in the map.

* Measure tools
The measuring tool allows the user to measure areas, perimeters and

* Location layer
A dropdown list is generated from objects in a vector layer to provide
an automatic zoom on one of the objects of the layer. Up to 3 different
layers possible.

*Rendering order for layers
In QGIS, we can decouple the rendering order of the layers and the order
of appearance of those in the legend. Lizmap now supports this feature.

* Server cache management
Possibility for the administrator when connected to remove the server
cache layer by layer from the online legend, via a red cross next to
each layer.

* Client cache
It is now possible to configure the timeout for tiles in the browser
cache. This means that if the images on the map are in the browser cache
and not expired, no new request to the server is sent: the image is
displayed directly from browser cache. This optimizes the display of

* Ability to hide layers of the QGIS project

Just put the layers in a group called "hidden" and they will not be
visible in the web interface. This can be useful to hide the annotation
layers, or layers you wish to retain in the project but not published

And other features:

* Management of web map scales: min and max scales are used to restrict
the display of the online map.
* Addition of an animated gif next to each layer during the loading of
the data.
* Added icons for all map tool menu and dialog boxes.
* Using the EPSG:3857 official projection instead of EPSG:900913 for
reprojection to external baselayers: remember to change your projects!
* Popup: Changing the way we call media files into HTML templates popup
(see documentation)
* Legend: possibility of transforming the parent groups in separate
blocks legend.
* Bug fixes and interface problems on some browsers.
* Added the Lizmap Web Client version number in the administration
panel, menu "Lizmap Configuration"
* Ability to keep session alive by checking a box on the login form

To see and test these features:

The complete source code of Lizmap Plugin and Lizmap Web Client, and the
documentation, is online at Github:

To see all the code changes since the last official version 2.4.1

We would especially like to thank for this version 2.7.0:

* The Natural Park of Ballons des Vosges, which funded the development
of annotations, zoom history, the possibility of grouping parent groups
in blocks, and trusted us since the beginning of the Lizmap adventure.
* Andromede Océanologie, which funded the support for simple printing,
measure tool and geolocation tool.
* Salvatore Larosa for translating the plugin and Web application into
* Everyone who gave feedback and tested Lizmap.


Michael Douchin
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