[Gfoss] [Qgis-tr] Release 1.8 is near

Siamo in fase di rilascio di QGIS 1.8. C'e' quindi da aggiornare la traduzione
dell'interfaccia. Direi che ormai i tempi sono maturi per adottare l'approccio
"giusto", ovvero farsi un clone del codice, tramite git, e poi fare una pull request,
in modo che si possano incorporare le modifiche con il minimo sforzo.
Mi raccomando di curare l'omogeneita' della traduzione con quanto gia' realizzato,
altrimenti ci sara' da rimetterci mano, anche pesantemente.
Saluti, e grazie.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Qgis-tr] Release 1.8 is near
Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2012 13:06:34 +0200
From: Werner Macho <werner.macho@gmail.com>
To: qgis-tr@lists.osgeo.org

Dear Translators!

As of today (1st April 2012) you will already have noticed that we are
in feature freeze already for the upcoming QGIS 1.8 release.
I already updated all strings in the release-1_8 branch and expect to be
only a few changes in the strings during the next 2 weeks due to
So this would be the right time to have a look in the release-1_8 branch
to check if your translation file is up to date with the strings and
probably send/commit/share your file with your team and do either a pull
request or send the updated file to me to have a check and to be
commited to the branch.

For now it is planned to release QGIS 1.8 after the next Hackfest in
Lyon (more or less 2 Weeks from now)

Thanks a lot for your good work so far and good luck for having a look
at the translations

kind regards

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