[Gfoss] Quarta edizione del RHoK - Random Hack of Kindness a Trento 3/4 dicembre 2011

RHoK torna a Trento, il 3-4 Dicembre, in Fondazione Bruno Kessler.

Nella due giorni di programmazione, aperta a tutti, lavoreremo assieme a progetti relativi a informatica per lo sviluppo, disaster management, water management, climate change, per menzionare alcune aree.

Per partecipare basta registrarsi sul sito:


Per l'evento devi solo portare il tuo computer. Noi offriremo connessione a internet, da mangiare e, naturalmente, tanti problemi da risolvere assieme!

Invitiamo anche a segnalare l'iniziativa ad amici e persone che potrebbero essere interessate.

Speriamo di incontrarti a RHoK!
Noi naturalmente ci saremo!

Link utili:

* Registrazione per RHoK Trento: http://rhoktrento-dec2011.eventbrite.com/
* RHoK: http://www.rhok.org/event/rhok-global-december-2011
* Come raggiungerci: http://www.fbk.eu/getting/scientific_hub

Title: Random Hacks of Kindness – RHoK #4: Trento

Please join us on December 3-4 for a RHoK Global hackathon in Trento!

Hacking for Humanity
FBK will be hosting for the second time in Italy a RHoK satellite event.

Throughout the weekend, we will be coding around problems related to
ICT for development in areas such as disaster management, water
management, climate change, health.

RHoK has been working with subject matter experts around the world to
develop problem statements addressing global issues. These problem
statements will be the hacking challenges thrown out to the developers
at the RHoK hackathon. See those statements as they develop at

At the end of the weekend, we'll invite you to share your RHoK
application with the group with the potential to win prizes and see your
work put to use on the ground to save lives and alleviate suffering.

What Do I Need?
We will provide facilities, power, food and refreshments to help you
write your application. Just bring your laptop, ideas, and enthusiasm to
complete the mix.

When and Where?
The Trento hackathon will take place from Saturday, December 3rd at 9:00am
until Sunday, December 4th at 5:00pm. It will be held at Fondazione Bruno
Kessler's Scientific Hub in via Sommarive 18, Povo (TN). Check out how
to reach us at http://www.fbk.eu/getting/scientific_hub.

Registration is free an open on http://rhoktrento-dec2011.eventbrite.com/

Remember that space is limited!

Maurizio "Napo" Napolitano