[Gfoss] R: Digest di Gfoss, Volume 97, Numero 42

Please read below
"in bocca a lupo"

You have a background in programming and really care about open data, e-
governance, policy issues and tools that allow the public to hold governments
accountable? You want to live in a really cool place with friendly and
interesting people, amazing landscapes, good food and delicious wine, mind-
blowing culture and history, that is super safe, offers a good standard of
living but is also off the beaten track? While working on stuff that is
interesting and makes a difference? So come work with us at Transparency
International (TI) Georgia (the one near Azerbaijan and Armenia not the one
near Alabama).

About us
We are part of the global Transparency International anti-corruption movement.
Our efforts are focused on promoting good governance and accountability in
Georgia. We are looking for a (Senior) Digital Projects Officer to coordinate
and improve TI Georgia’s technology usage, and to enhance TI Georgia’s open-
government and open-data advocacy efforts.

TI Georgia’s current technology projects include

A Georgian adaptation of the FixMyStreet concept, through which residents of
Tbilisi have already reported more than 2,500 problems on their streets, and
many have of them have been fixed. We are currently relaunching the site and
are expanding to other cities.
Various types of data scraping, including
Tendermonitor.ge, a website that allows the public to search and analyze all
government contracting;
The development and maintenance of a fully searchable copy of the company
Asset and income declarations of Georgian politicians and public officials.
MyParliament.ge, a site allowing people to learn more about their MPs, ask
them questions and comment on draft laws that also comes with SMS alerts on
legislative updates in the parliament.

TI Georgia works to solidify and expand on Georgia’s significant anti-
corruption successes, we are at the forefront of using technology to promote
enhanced governmental transparency and accountability, both in Georgia and
among anti-corruption and good governance organizations worldwide.

TI Georgia is a think-and-do-tank that works on a broad range of good
governance and human rights issues, including media freedom, elections and
party financing, judicial independence, legal aid, corruption investigations,
state capture, procurement and the protection of peoples’ property rights. We
do in-depth research reports, blogs, some investigative work, advocacy, free
legal consultations and tech projects. We contribute to and monitor ongoing
democratic reforms and collaborate with the Georgian Government on open
government issues within the context of Georgia’s Open Government Partnership
Action Plan. All work TI Georgia does is bi-lingual – Georgian and English, no
Georgian or Russian skills are required.

Georgia is a vibrant and rapidly changing country in the South Caucasus. Since
the Rose Revolution of 2003, the country has seen successful reforms against
corruption and economic development. In October 2012, Georgia saw its first
democratic change of power which was hailed as a new model for the post-Soviet

Work with all TI Georgia staff members to improve organizational technology
usage in all appropriate areas of TI Georgia’s work.
Lead a small team of internal and external developers in designing and
implementing innovative software solutions to meet the organization’s needs.
Plan and execute TI Georgia’s open-data and open-government advocacy efforts,
both within Georgia and as part of the broader TI movement.
Seek out and discover cutting-edge technologies which can help TI Georgia
perform its work better or faster, or can enhance the organization’s outreach

Qualifications for successful candidates:
Have a demonstrated passion for using technology to address governance and
democracy issues.
Have education or significant experience working with web technologies.
Have education or significant experience with law, public policy, or political
Enjoy learning new technology tools, and be able to do so rapidly and
Strong command of written and spoken English.
The willingness and desire to relocate for a minimum of one to two years to
Experience in managing and implementing web-projects.
The ability and interest to work in a multicultural environment.

Application requirements:
Submit the following to jobs@transparency.ge with the subject line “Digital
Projects Officer application”:
A one-page statement of interest and relevant experience, in English
Your resume (please highlight all programming language you are familiar with)

The deadline for application is August 4rd, 2013. However, applications will
be evaluated on a rolling basis, so apply early!

To learn more about TI Georgia and the work we do, please visit http:

TI Georgia is an equal opportunities employer. Georgia has a visa free regime
that allows citizens of the US, the EU and many other countries to work and
live here without any permits required. Yes, no visa. As we said, it’s a cool

----Messaggio originale----
Da: gfoss-request@lists.gfoss.it
Data: 16-lug-2013 18.12
A: <gfoss@lists.gfoss.it>
Ogg: Digest di Gfoss, Volume 97, Numero 42

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Argomenti del Giorno:

  1. Re: rilievo GPS (Novarese)
  2. Re: rilievo GPS (marco zanieri)
  3. Re: rilievo GPS (Novarese)
  4. Re: rilievo GPS (Daniele Bonaposta)
  5. Re: alcune indicazioni: ex INSPIRE: stato dell'arte?
     (Piergiorgio Cipriano)
  6. Fw: From the current GRASS GIS Community Sprint in Prague -
     16th July (Anne Ghisla)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 04:22:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Novarese <sieradz@gmail.com>
To: gfoss@lists.gfoss.it
Subject: Re: [Gfoss] rilievo GPS
Message-ID: <1373973758272-7583036.post@n2.nabble.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

marcozanieri wrote/

se il gps deve essere collegato al pc via porta seriale e/o usb?


Prova questo driver:


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Sent from the Gfoss -- Geographic Free and Open Source Software - Italian

mailing list mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 13:29:19 +0200
From: marco zanieri <marcozanieri@gmail.com>
To: Novarese <sieradz@gmail.com>
Cc: GFOSS <gfoss@lists.gfoss.it>
Subject: Re: [Gfoss] rilievo GPS
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Grazie mille!

Il giorno 16 luglio 2013 13:22, Novarese <sieradz@gmail.com> ha scritto:

marcozanieri wrote/
> se il gps deve essere collegato al pc via porta seriale e/o usb?

Prova questo driver:


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Sent from the Gfoss -- Geographic Free and Open Source Software - Italian
mailing list mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Questa e' una lista di discussione pubblica aperta a tutti.
I messaggi di questa lista non hanno relazione diretta con le posizioni
dell'Associazione GFOSS.it.
657 iscritti al 30.5.2013

          dott. Marco Zanieri*
  e-mail: marcozanieri@gmail.com

          *cartografia tematica
         banche dati territoriali
    sistemi informativi geografici
     applicazioni GIS e webGIS*
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Message: 3
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 04:47:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Novarese <sieradz@gmail.com>
To: gfoss@lists.gfoss.it
Subject: Re: [Gfoss] rilievo GPS
Message-ID: <1373975252536-7583038.post@n2.nabble.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Facci sapere se funziona, in modo che la tua esperienza possa servire anche
ad altri, grazie!


View this message in context: http://gfoss-geographic-free-and-open-source-


Sent from the Gfoss -- Geographic Free and Open Source Software - Italian

mailing list mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 14:20:50 +0200
From: Daniele Bonaposta <daniele.bonaposta@gmail.com>
To: lista Gfoss <gfoss@lists.gfoss.it>
Subject: Re: [Gfoss] rilievo GPS
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

tra qualche giorno farò sapere com'è andata. Intanto grazie a tutti per le


Il giorno 16 luglio 2013 13:47, Novarese <sieradz@gmail.com> ha scritto:

Facci sapere se funziona, in modo che la tua esperienza possa servire anche
ad altri, grazie!


View this message in context:


Sent from the Gfoss -- Geographic Free and Open Source Software - Italian
mailing list mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Questa e' una lista di discussione pubblica aperta a tutti.
I messaggi di questa lista non hanno relazione diretta con le posizioni
dell'Associazione GFOSS.it.
657 iscritti al 30.5.2013


Daniele Bonaposta,
Cartografia - G.I.S.

via Don Minzoni 13a
40121 - Bologna
mobile: +39.338.3377044
e-mail: daniele.bonaposta@gmail.com

*Linked*in: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/daniele-bonaposta/26/487/872

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Message: 5
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 17:15:09 +0200
From: Piergiorgio Cipriano <pg.cipriano@gmail.com>
To: Andrea Peri <aperi2007@gmail.com>
Cc: "GFOSS.it" <gfoss@lists.gfoss.it>
Subject: Re: [Gfoss] alcune indicazioni: ex INSPIRE: stato dell'arte?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

riprendo il thread per segnalare due interessanti presentazioni fatte a
Firenze recentemente (INSPIRE conf).
La prima [1] e' un esempio interessante di come definire la "lista della
spesa" (a livello di sub-type) per capire chi "si occupa di quali dati"
(vedi esempio slide 11).
La seconda [2] riguarda i costi (in mesi uomo) spesi per implementare il
geoportale nazionale polacco (slide 23..25)







Piergiorgio Cipriano

Il giorno 12 luglio 2013 13:31, Andrea Peri <aperi2007@gmail.com> ha

Anche in toscana funziona allo stesso modo.
Quando possibile si muovono per particelle catastali. Ovvero i due comuni
deliberano che una part. Cat passa da un comune all'altro. Poi la. Regione
recepisce e aggiorna la copertura dei confini comunali. Per aiutare chi ci
lavora nel settore pianificazione, accanto alla usuale copertura poligonale
forniamo anche anche quella lineare in cui negli attributi al tratto vi é
il decreto che istituisce quel pezzo di confine. In questo modo é possibile
ricostruire i confini a una determinata data.

Send from padfone2

stefano campus <skampus@gmail.com> ha scritto:

>nella vicenda dei confini amministrativi, l'unica cosa certa è che il
>responsabile del confine di stato è igm.
>dunque, teoricamente un comune di frontiera dovrebbe avere almeno la parte
>di perimetro esposto alle invasioni di galli e celti vari armonizzato, ma
>non credo proprio non credo che sia così :slight_smile:
>il fatto è che gli attori sono:
>- istat dice giustamente la propria in quanto autorità che esegue il
>censimento generale della popolazione
>- agenzia delle entrate o catasto che dir si voglia
>- igm per la parte di confine nazionale
>- i comuni
>- le regioni
>non credo di avere dimenticato nessuno, ma sono comunque sufficienti.
>proprio l'altro giorno, un comune piemontese che sta realizzando il
>dbtopografico si è accorto che nel dataset non generalizzato istat dei
>confini amministrativi pubblicato alla fine del 2011 che il confine
>passa in mezzo alla piazza centrale del paese.
>ovviamente lo correggeranno, ma esiste una procedura, un flusso che faccia
>sì che questo palese erore materiale sia recepito e corretto in tutti i
>torniamo ad inspire e al principio del dataset di riferimento che deve
>essere mantenuto nel posto più appropriato: dunque in capo al comune?
>View this message in context:


>Sent from the Gfoss -- Geographic Free and Open Source Software - Italian
mailing list mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>Questa e' una lista di discussione pubblica aperta a tutti.
>I messaggi di questa lista non hanno relazione diretta con le posizioni
dell'Associazione GFOSS.it.
>657 iscritti al 30.5.2013
Questa e' una lista di discussione pubblica aperta a tutti.
I messaggi di questa lista non hanno relazione diretta con le posizioni
dell'Associazione GFOSS.it.
657 iscritti al 30.5.2013

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Message: 6
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 18:12:19 +0200
From: Anne Ghisla <a.ghisla@gmail.com>
To: GFOSS.it ml <gfoss@lists.gfoss.it>
Subject: [Gfoss] Fw: From the current GRASS GIS Community Sprint in
Prague - 16th July
Message-ID: <20130716181219.0fbc9171@galadriel.localdomain>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Aggiornamento da Praga!

Saluti :slight_smile:

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 18:09:27 +0200
From: Anne Ghisla <a.ghisla@gmail.com>
To: grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: From the current GRASS GIS Community Sprint in Prague - 16th

Hello all from Prague!

The sprint is progressing well, with another productive day!
Special thanks to Martin and MarkusN for the smooth organisation :slight_smile:

The full list of what we did can be found here:

Since last report, these are new joint activities:
- Presentation on vector conflation - TF with discussion
- Discussion on GRASS Toolboxes customisation - AP, VP
- Discussion on new v.kriging module and v.nna - ES, MN, SG
- GRASS wiki image processing update - MM, MN, YC

.. and individual efforts:
- Draft Doxygen'iation of the CDHC library for testing normality &
- r.stream.* modules: clean up before moving from addons to trunk
- standardizing options for v.db.* and db.* modules, updating
respective manuals
- Discussion and implementation of the new temporal module
t.rast.accumulate and the use of a modified version of r.gdd
(MM) instead of r.mapcalc
- Writing and updating of temporal modules documentation
- Bundle Block Adjustment files with Yann
- Implementing functions for if-statements in the temporal algebra
- GUI translation to Polish
- experiment: compile wxPython with wxGTK3/Broadway (HTML5) backend,
see discussion
- v.kriging development (new C module) and discussion on existing
implementations, testing
- vector conflation - module development

And thanks to our sponsors!


(Hint: donations yet welcome: http://grass.osgeo.org/donations)

Anne (et al. from Prague)

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I messaggi di questa lista non rispecchiano necessariamente
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Fine di Digest di Gfoss, Volume 97, Numero 42