[Gfoss] [R-sig-Geo] strange performances of R graphic window under Linux and MS WIndows

inoltro qui la soluzione al problema ricevuta nella mailing list di R, e che ho posto qualche email fa qui nella mailing list GFOSS sulla incredibile lentezza nel fare i grafici in R nel mio Kubuntu 8. + KDE4.1, rilevata anche in un altro computer con Kubuntu 8.04 + KDE3.5.
La inoltro perché qualcuno ha avuto il mio stesso problema, anche se in misura minore, ma magari può servire anche ad altri
Enrico Guastaldi

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Enrico Guastaldi <enrico.guastaldi@gmail.com>
Date: 2009/1/24
Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] strange performances of R graphic window under Linux and MS WIndows
To: r-sig-geo@stat.math.ethz.ch

Thanks a lot for the answers, take a look of my scores:

user system elapsed

1.240 0.532 17.295

user system elapsed

0.224 0.020 0.437

For the graphics I’ll propose the question to R-help mailing list.
Thanks a lot!

Enrico Guastaldi

2009/1/22 Barry Rowlingson <b.rowlingson@lancaster.ac.uk>

2009/1/22 Enrico Guastaldi <enrico.guastaldi@gmail.com>:

Moreover, the graphic result is very poor, if I compare the resolution of
two graphic windows (see attached file, Linux ont he left, and Windows on
the right: the latter is really much better!!!)

What I’m doing wrong? Or, what is wrong in X configuration of our Linux
Remeber that R in MS Windows under virtual machine is 10 times faster!


Your attachments have been stripped (or you forgot to attach them),
but latest R versions use the Cairo graphics ‘engine’, which produces
higher quality output at a speed cost. You can fire up a non-Cairo
device with X11(type=“Xlib”).
The difference in speed is a factor 5 on my machine:

user system elapsed
0.176 0.004 0.407
user system elapsed
0.836 0.252 2.398

Cairo graphics can look a bit ‘blurred’ because of the anti-aliasing.


Enrico Guastaldi ha scritto:

     Your attachments have been stripped (or you forgot to attach them),
    but latest R versions use the Cairo graphics 'engine', which produces
    higher quality output at a speed cost. You can fire up a non-Cairo
    device with X11(type="Xlib").

     Cairo graphics can look a bit 'blurred' because of the anti-aliasing.

Vero, pero' la qualita' dell'output ne vale la pena, rispetto ai vecchi
grafici di R. Ti conviene cambiare device per l'output finale, ed usare
X11 per le prove.
Paolo Cavallini, see: * http://www.faunalia.it/pc *