[Gfoss] [Report #5] Kriging with GRASS and R: v.autokrige port to wxPython and more

Hello all, and sorry for cross-posting,

just few minutes ago I succeded in completing the kriging procedure with
gstat functions. It runs with a proof-of-concept dataset based on
spearfish data, see this tutorial [0].
Martin helped me a lot in getting the standard wxGUI comboboxes to run
properly with filters.

Next week I plan to adapt the interface to each R package's available
options and consider how to solve lag issues in populating interface.

The blocking issue about autoKrige() and projections is no more valid as
I create the grid myself based on GRASS region.

best regards,


[0] http://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/drupal/node/438