[Gfoss] [[sc-announce] "WisconsinView dedicates 6+ terabytes of data to the public domain" - Science Commons blog]

Pochi giorni fa è passato l'annuncio della nuova copertura mondiale
rilasciata dalla NASA, questa notizia è ovviamente di interesse più
"limitato" ma mi sembra utile per far capire che c'è ancora molta strada
da fare...


------- Messaggio inoltrato -------
Da: Kaitlin Thaney <kaitlin@creativecommons.org>
A: sc-announce@lists.ibiblio.org
Oggetto: [sc-announce] "WisconsinView dedicates 6+ terabytes of data to
the public domain" - Science Commons blog
Data: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 01:15:09 +0200

WisconsinView dedicates 6+ terabytes of data to the public domain
July 1st, 2009 by Kaitlin Thaney

As of July 1, WisconsinView, an effort to make available a variety of
types of imagery for the state of Wisconsin, will make their data
available in the public domain via CC0. This news was brought to us by
Puneet Kishor, a Science Commons fellow.

From the press release:

“Since 2004, WisconsinView has made aerial photography and satellite
imagery of Wisconsin available to the public for free over the web. As
part of the AmericaView consortium, WisconsinView supports access and
use of these imagery collections through education, workforce
development, and research. Starting June 30, 2009, WisconsinView is
making available all of its more than 6 Terabytes of imagery data under
the new CC0 Protocol provided by Creative Commons. The CC0 (pronounced
CC-Zero) Protocol waives any rights in a dataset, ensuring that all of
the dataset is available to anyone without encumbrance of any kind. More
information on CC0 is available at http://wiki.creativecommons.org/CC0,
and the reasoning behind the protocol is described at
http://sciencecommons.org/projects/publishing/open-access-data-protocol/. Further questions about WisconsinView may be directed to Dr. Sam Batzli, Director, WisconsinView at sabatzli@wisc.edu or Puneet Kishor, Science Commons Fellow (Geospatial Data) at punkish@creativecommons.org.”


Stefano Costa
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