[Gfoss] [SDI-Europe] CEN/TC 287 AWARD for Excellence and Innovation in INSPIRE 2013

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Piergiorgio Cipriano

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From: Kate Lance <klance_remote@yahoo.com>
Date: 2013/4/3
Subject: [SDI-Europe] CEN/TC 287 AWARD for Excellence and Innovation in INSPIRE 2013
To: SDI-Europe <sdi-europe@lists.gsdi.org>

Call for proposals - CEN/TC 287 AWARD for Excellence and Innovation in INSPIRE 2013
Since 2011, the Technical Committee “Geographic information” of the European Committee for
Standardization, CEN/TC 287, organises the AWARD for Academic Excellence and Innovation in
INSPIRE. This year, the AWARD will follow two tracks. It welcomes applications from students
attending academic institutions within Europe, and for the first time also from Small & Medium
Enterprises (SME’s) who perform innovative activities in the field of INSPIRE and SDI
development. This award, now in its third year, aims

  1. To promote academic excellence within the European geospatial community, specifically in
    development of interoperability standards and the application or improvement of such
  2. To promote the application of innovative solutions by SME’s to facilitate the development of
    INSPIRE and the creation of value added applications and services on top of it.

The Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE) will run the
evaluation process. There will be two awards: one (1) for the best academic work and one (1) for
the most innovative SME. The two successful candidates with the winning submission will each
receive €2500. The winner will receive the prize at the INSPIRE conference which will take place
between 23 and 27 June 2013, in Florence.

Administrative process and timeline

  1. Submit by 15 April 2013 your work (paper/report) electronically including an abstract of maximum 500 words to award@gistandards.eu. You will be contacted within 15 days and advised whether you have been accepted to proceed to the next stage.
  2. AGILE will set-up a small selection committee to review the submissions. The work that is considered of highest quality, and that is most innovative will be selected.
    The received proposals will be reviewed and ranked based on the following criteria:
    a) originality (i.e. novelty, degree of innovation);
    b) technical quality (i.e. thoroughness, completeness, identification of issues and recommended solutions);
    c) relevance to the scope of INSPIRE;
    d) relevance to standardization in the field of geospatial information;
    e) use of UML4;
    f) presentation (i.e. clarity, readability).

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