[Gfoss] [SDI-Europe] GIS Software Community

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kate Lance <klance_remote@yahoo.com>
Date: 2008/12/2
Subject: [SDI-Europe] GIS Software Community
To: SDI-Europe <sdi-europe@lists.gsdi.org>

The GIS (Geographic Information System) Software Community aims at
supporting the development and referencing the open source geospatial
software on the Open Source Observatory and Repository for European
public administrations (OSUR). The OSOR GIS Community's goal is to
promote exchange of software and experience, and to encourage the use
and collaborative development of community-led projects. As the OSOR
GIS community evolves, this web page is updated regularly.

The OSOR GIS Community workshop (Agenda,
http://osor.eu/communities/Agenda.pdf ) - held in Brussels on 27 June
2008 - initiated the building of the community, and discussed how the
OSOR could help the Public Administrations in the re-use and efficient
development of GIS software. The exchange of experience during the
workshop proved very helpful to the attendees, and it was decided to
dedicate a section on the OSOR for further exchanges.

SDI-Europe mailing list

Piergiorgio Cipriano