[Gfoss] [SDI-Europe] remote sensing PhD opportunities (University of Copenhagen, University of Leicester)

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kate Lance <klance_remote@yahoo.com>
Date: 2008/6/13
Subject: [SDI-Europe] remote sensing PhD opportunities (University of
Copenhagen, University of Leicester)
To: SDI-Europe <sdi-europe@lists.gsdi.org>

PhD scholarship: Remote Sensing of Precipitation in Mountainous Areas
Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship related to remote
sensing of precipitation in areas of complex topography. The PhD
position will be co-funded by the Danish Council for Strategic
Research and Geographic Resource Analysis and Science Ltd. (GRAS). The
PhD will be part of the multi-disciplinary research project;
HYdrological Modelling for Assessing Climate Change Impacts at
differeNT Scales (HYACINTS, www.hyacints.dk ). The successful
candidate will be employed by GRAS and enrolled at the Department of
Geography and Geology (DGG), University of Copenhagen.
The deadline for applying is 20 June, 2008 and the successful
candidate will be expected to start 1 September, 2008.
Contact GRAS Director Mikael Kamp Sørensen, mks@gras.ku.dk , +45 35 32
41 75) or Associate Professor Inge Sandholt, is@geo.ku.dk , for
further information about the PhD project.
PhD studentship - Remote Sensing, Leicester, U.K.
Applications are invited for a full-time, fully-funded 3 year PhD
studentship in the Department of Geography, University of Leicester,
addressing the impact of deforestation on the global carbon cycle.
Specifically, this studentship will investigate use of high resolution
remote sensing for monitoring and assessing tropical deforestation and
degradation as a contribution to reducing atmospheric greenhouse gas
emissions under the REDD carbon trading initiative. The studentship is
funded under the NERC National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO).
The student will be based in Leicester and supervised by Dr Susan Page
and Dr Kevin Tansey, but will work closely with others involved in
NCEO, and will be required to undertake fieldwork in SE Asia, probably
in Indonesia.
Application deadline: 20 June 2008 (anticipated interview date 30 June 2008)
Contact Dr Page,sep5@le.ac.uk or Dr Tansey, kjt7@le.ac.uk .

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Piergiorgio Cipriano

("perchè la terra dei cachi è la terra dei cachi ..!")