[Gfoss] "The Open Source Census"

Ne parla oggi punto-informatico [1], qualcuno ne sa di più?
L'indirizzo è https://www.osscensus.org/

La presentazione questa:
The Open Source Census is the first collaborative, global project to
count the number of installations for each open source software
package. We realize that's pretty ambitious, but we figure you have to
think big. Of course, we know we can't count every single installation
of open source software in the world, but we believe it's possible to
obtain a sample large enough to be representative.

[1] http://punto-informatico.it/2322306/PI/News/Microsoft-conta-l-open-source-nel-mondo/p.aspx



Piergiorgio Cipriano

("perchè la terra dei cachi è la terra dei cachi ..!")