[Gfoss] uDig 1.2 M6

The uDig 1.2 "milestone 6" release is available for download.[1]

This release is the result of an amazing week long code sprint[2] held
at HydroloGIS in Italy supplimented by developers all over the
world[3]. A special thanks to the participating organizations: Axios,
Camptocamp, Fraunhofer IAIS, HydroloGIS and LISAsoft.

The milestone release features:

    * Better support for TIFF and depending on your platform ECW and
MrSID with an update to the imageio-ext library
    * Enhanced vector editing, revamped printing support
    * Upgrade to the latest Eclipse 3.5 (finally we can offer cocoa
support on mac!)

Here are some example of some of the enchancements:

    * Import multiple layers into catalog at once
    * Deleting multiple maps only asks for a single confirmation and delete
    * standard paper sizes are now supported when printing!
    * Add rectangles, roundrectangles and ellipse when printing
    * Drag and Drop improvements: drag and drop mixed content in the
catalog and map, move several maps at once, multiple services on
project at once, handle multiple layers in the layer view
    * Improved workflow: An Open Map action, switch between common map scales

All in all 41 issues have been addressed for this release - for more
information check the release notes.[4]

The uDig team

[1] http://udig.refractions.net/download/unstable/
[2] http://udig-news.blogspot.com/2009/07/code-grind-09-wrap-up.html
[3] http://udig-news.blogspot.com/2009/07/udig-code-grind-team.html
[4] http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10600&styleName=Html&version=15474