[Gfoss] [vtp] Import from OpenSteetMap

Fwd: [vtp] Import from OpenSteetMap
ExportToCanoma <exporttocanoma@gmail.com>
21/12/2012 07:38
"GFOSS. it" <gfoss@lists.gfoss.it>

Inoltro l'annuncio di Ben nella lista VTP delle nuove funzioni di import dei dati


Da: "Ben Discoe" <ben@vterrain.org>
Data: 21 dicembre 2012 04:45:05 GMT+01:00
A: <vtp@yahoogroups.com>
Oggetto: [vtp] Import from OpenSteetMap
Rispondi a: vtp@yahoogroups.com

I recently checked in a series of improvements to how VTBuilder imports from

To start with, we can now read structures as well as roads, and we try to
pull as much out of the OSM tags as we can. So, it should be able to do
fences, walls, buildings with height and roof style, in addition to roads
with attributes such as paved, and number of lanes.

This is built into version 1.35 recently uploaded, so if you like
OpenStreetMap, give it a try!

Typical steps:

1. Go to http://www.openstreetmap.org/

2. Find somewhere interesting to you.

You'll want to pick somewhere you already have elevation data for.

3. Click 'Export' and Format to Export: OpenStreetMap XML Data

4. Chose your area (not too large - it will limit you to a certain size

5. Press "Export", save the .osm file to your disk

6. Open VTBuilder, drop in the .osm file. It will make 2 new layers for

7. You may want to clean up the road network with "Roads: Clean Roadmap"

8. You'll want to use Layer: Convert Project so your new layers have the
same CRS as your elevation (if they don't already).

9. Save your .vtst and .rmf to the usual places

10. Bring them up in Enviro.

Here's an example of Roberto's part of Italy, Gaeta:


You can reply here on the list, how it worked. I am especially interested
if there was anything you expected from the OSM that didn't import, or
didn't import correctly. An interesting thing about OSM (a strength or a
weakness depending on how you look at it) is that their worldwide community
uses the semi-standard OSM tags in .. diverse ways. So, I look forward to
adding more ways to interpret how the OSM tags are used.


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