[Gfoss] WinGRASS: Test Build on Vista

Buongiorno a tutti,

inoltro anche a GFOSS.it il messaggio inviato ieri alle liste di GRASS. Non traduco dall’inglese perchè ritengo che non sia necessario, ormai tutti siamo diventati professionalmente anglofoni
Vi ringrazio anticipatamente per la collaborazione. Buon testing :slight_smile:

Hi lists,

I built GRASS 6.3.0 on Vista (Home Premium) through the usual MSYS/MinGW envrironment.
It works fine on my machine, and it seems that it solved the following bugs:


But I need more tests, from both XP and Vista users;
I specially need to know if that build works fine also on XP systems, because at the moment I cannot access my old XP machine to test it by myself.

In this binary release candidate (the 4th for GRASS 6.3.0) I introduced the following changes:

  • added libjpeg (6b) library [built from source]
  • added JPEG support in libtiff
  • added JPEG support in GRASS
  • updated libpng from 1.2.24 to 1.2.29
  • updated GLS from 1.9 to 1.11
  • updated PostgreSQL from 8.2.6 to 8.3.1
  • updated SQLite from 3.5.6 to 3.5.9
  • added the OGDI tools (3.2.0beta1-4) [prebuilt binaries from OSGEO4W Project]
  • updated GDAL from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2
  • added the AVCE00 tools (2.0.0) [built from source]
  • added the E00compr tools (1.0.0) [built from source]
  • added the GPSBabel tools (1.3.5) [prebuilt binaries from GPSBabel Web Site]
  • updated tcl from 8.5.1 to 8.5.2
  • updated tk from 8.5.1 to 8.5.2

I also tried to add the FFMPEG and wxWidgets supports to GRASS, but I failed for the moment; I’ll try to do that next times :slight_smile:

The WinGRASS-6.3.0-4 Test Installer is available here:

Any comment or test help will be highly appreciated.
Many thaks guys,
