[Gfoss] Wired IT - Italian Schools Map

Mi sembra un'iniziativa interessante: la mappatura delle scuole italiane
a rischio in caso di terremoto, in crowdsourcing.

Non so se gli sviluppatori sono su questa mailing list.
Mauro: se non sei gia' iscritto questo e' un invito a farlo :slight_smile:


----- Forwarded message from Massimiliano Mauro <mauro.massimiliano@gmail.com> -----

Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 15:10:31 +0200
From: Massimiliano Mauro <mauro.massimiliano@gmail.com>
To: cartodb@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cartodb] Wired IT - Italian Schools Map
Reply-To: cartodb@googlegroups.com
X-BeenThere: cartodb@googlegroups.com
List-ID: <cartodb.googlegroups.com>

Hello Group,
I'm writing you from Wired Italy, the italian edition of the US outlet, as
we just went online using cartoDB with an important data story on
earthquake safety in Italian schools:


Less than 1in 10 schools has been checked for earthquake safety in a highly
sismic country as Italy and we plan to map the whole of Italy in the coming

This map is a work-in-progress. There are not public data about school (not
even the government institution has a complete .xls), 57000 schools.
Geocoding is quite difficult in many cities for many reasons, from data,
and also from the database of google. So we start with only two regions
asking to people to help us to build the data and ask to government
institution to share the data.

Happy to receive suggestion.

Best Regard

Massimiliano Mauro
T: (+39) 393 80 55 439


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Beh, contributo, devo dire che il tuo apporto è stato essenziale.
Oggi pubblicheremo l’Emilia, prepariamo la legenda e un breve glossario per la comprensione dei termini.

Buona giornata

2012/9/17 Maurizio Napolitano <napolita@fbk.eu>

ciao sandro
come hai visto ci sono anche io con un piccolo contributo :slight_smile:

Maurizio Napolitano
FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler
+39 0461 314 341 - SoNet Group

From: gfoss-bounces@lists.gfoss.it [gfoss-bounces@lists.gfoss.it] on behalf of Sandro Santilli [strk@keybit.net]
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 16:05
To: gfoss@lists.gfoss.it
Cc: mauro.massimiliano@gmail.com
Subject: [Gfoss] Wired IT - Italian Schools Map

Mi sembra un’iniziativa interessante: la mappatura delle scuole italiane
a rischio in caso di terremoto, in crowdsourcing.

Non so se gli sviluppatori sono su questa mailing list.
Mauro: se non sei gia’ iscritto questo e’ un invito a farlo :slight_smile:


----- Forwarded message from Massimiliano Mauro <mauro.massimiliano@gmail.com> -----

Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 15:10:31 +0200
From: Massimiliano Mauro <mauro.massimiliano@gmail.com>
To: cartodb@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cartodb] Wired IT - Italian Schools Map
Reply-To: cartodb@googlegroups.com
X-BeenThere: cartodb@googlegroups.com
List-ID: <cartodb.googlegroups.com>

Hello Group,
I’m writing you from Wired Italy, the italian edition of the US outlet, as
we just went online using cartoDB with an important data story on
earthquake safety in Italian schools:


Less than 1in 10 schools has been checked for earthquake safety in a highly
sismic country as Italy and we plan to map the whole of Italy in the coming

This map is a work-in-progress. There are not public data about school (not
even the government institution has a complete .xls), 57000 schools.
Geocoding is quite difficult in many cities for many reasons, from data,
and also from the database of google. So we start with only two regions
asking to people to help us to build the data and ask to government
institution to share the data.

Happy to receive suggestion.

Best Regard

Massimiliano Mauro
T: (+39) 393 80 55 439


----- End forwarded message -----

Questa e’ una lista di discussione pubblica aperta a tutti.
Non inviate messaggi commerciali.
I messaggi di questa lista non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni dell’Associazione GFOSS.it.
605 iscritti al 10.7.2012


Massimiliano Mauro
iPad App Designer c/o Wired Italia
T: (+39) 393 80 55 439