[Gfoss] Your OGC vote on the GeoServices REST API is important

Interessante lettera anti-GeoServices API da parte di quattro aziende membri OGC.
(So, if you are like us, strong supporters of OGC’s stated goal of interoperability, the liberalisation of spatial data in ways that provide equal opportunities for all industry participants, small and large including the public, then you should register your NO vote today at the OGC site)


Piergiorgio Cipriano

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Lutz <michael.lutz@jrc.ec.europa.eu>
Date: 2013/5/7
Subject: Fwd: Your OGC vote on the GeoServices REST API is important
To: h06@jrc.ec.europa.eu


Another letter lobbying OGC members to vote NO on the OGC GeoServices REST API, signed by CubeWerx Inc., Galdos Systems Inc., Cadcorp Ltd., LISAsoft and Compusult Limited.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Your OGC vote on the GeoServices REST API is important
Date: Mon, 06 May 2013 23:52:43 -0400
From: ekeighan ekeighan@cubewerx.com
Reply-To: ekeighan@cubewerx.com
Organisation: CubeWerx Inc.
CC: Ron Lake rlake@galdosinc.com, Martin Daly Martin.Daly@cadcorp.com, Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter@gmail.com, Barry O’Rourke barry@compusult.net

Dear OGC TC member,

The future of OGC is at risk!
Please exercise your vote on the GeoServices REST API as soon as the 
vote resumes.
The vote has been suspended by OGC pending comments by the SWG because 
of  two additional NO votes.
A small opposition group is also forming and we invite you to read the 
attached letter signed by few OGC leaders prior to casting your vote.

Note: If you want to support our OGC Interoperability movement please 
respond to this email and we will communicate with you.


Edric Keighan
President & CEO
CubeWerx Inc.

Letter to OGC TC Members 05-06-2013.pdf (45.3 KB)