The newest version of GRASS 4.1 on the HP 9000 series machines is
now available. I have managed to get XGRASS to work but am still a
little leery of it. On the series 300 machines it is over writing the
/dev/tty file and causing all sorts of problems. I will probably start
porting the src.contrib & src.related files next.
Joe Plesha
| HOME OF GRASS ON HP9000s || HP 9000/385 HPUX 9.0 |
| U. S. Geological Survey, BGP || GRASS Support for HP9000 |
| Electromagnetic Studies || series 300/400/700/800 computers |
| Denver, Colorado 80225 || Anonymous FTP site for HP GRASS : |
| Phone: (303) 236-1398 || pampas.cr.usgs.gov (|