Hello everyone,
Here is my weekly report for week #5, adding EODAG support to GRASS GIS, GSoC 2024.
- What did I get done this week?
- Added the “query” option, to allow extra search parameters [1].
- Added the “print” option allowing the listing of all relevant EODAG metadata [1]:
- Current EODAG configuration.
- Available products.
- Available products for a given provider.
- Available providers.
- Available providers that offer a specific product.
- Queryables for a given provider and/or product. Note: Queryables from this list can be used in the query option.
- Added the “footprint” option to save the found scenes footprints in a vector map, with the name given in the “footprint” option [2].
- Added options to save/print results in JSON format [3].
- What do I plan on doing next week?
- Continue working on adding a way to get credentials on runtime, as I haven’t received access to Creodias yet.
- Merging the above-mentioned PRs, after further discussions with mentors.
- Further testing and edge cases handling.
- Am I blocked on anything?
- I am not currently blocked by anything.
Best regards,
Hamed A. Elgizery
[1] https://github.com/HamedElgizery/grass-addons/pull/15