this bug's URL:
Subject: NVIZ: horizontal sliders are backwards
[fwd from -dev list]
I'm working on a longstanding annoyance in NVIZ: many of the sliders are
presented backwards. (e.g. lighting levels)
this fix isn't complete though: if you type in a new out of range value
& hit <enter> (e.g. Red=1.5) it goes backwards. More importantly, the vector
points size slider gets stuck until you type in a new out of range value. ??
Index: widgets.tcl
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 widgets.tcl
--- widgets.tcl 1 Aug 2005 17:57:15 -0000 1.2
+++ widgets.tcl 4 Sep 2006 09:33:38 -0000
@@ -165,10 +165,10 @@
if {[expr $val < $min]} then {
- $S.scale configure -to $val
+ $S.scale configure -from $val
if {[expr $val > $max]} then {
- $S.scale configure -from $val
+ $S.scale configure -to $val
if {$val != 0} {
if {[expr abs($val)] < [expr abs($res)]} {
Index: panel_lights.tcl
RCS file:
retrieving revision 2.0
diff -u -r2.0 panel_lights.tcl
--- panel_lights.tcl 9 Nov 2004 14:18:38 -0000 2.0
+++ panel_lights.tcl 4 Sep 2006 09:33:38 -0000
@@ -41,15 +41,15 @@
-variable Nv_(FollowView) -command follow -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
checkbutton $ -relief flat -text "Show Model" \
-variable Nv_(ShowModel)
- Nv_mkScale $ h Brightness 100 0 80 set_brt 2
- Nv_mkScale $ h Ambient 100 0 20 set_amb 2
+ Nv_mkScale $ h Brightness 0 100 80 set_brt 2
+ Nv_mkScale $ h Ambient 0 100 20 set_amb 2
pack $ $ \
$ $ \
-side top -fill x -expand 1
- Nv_mkScale $ h Red 100 0 100 set_red 2
- Nv_mkScale $ h Green 100 0 100 set_green 2
- Nv_mkScale $ h Blue 100 0 100 set_blue 2
+ Nv_mkScale $ h Red 0 100 100 set_red 2
+ Nv_mkScale $ h Green 0 100 100 set_green 2
+ Nv_mkScale $ h Blue 0 100 100 set_blue 2
pack $ $ $ \
-side top -expand 1
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