[GRASS-dev] [bug #5367] (grass) 6.3 NVIZ: tcltk 8.3 incompatibilities

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=5367

Subject: 6.3 NVIZ: tcltk 8.3 incompatibilities


in 6.3-cvs NVIZ, panel_rast.tcl and panel_main.tcl use "frame padx pady" in a
few places. This is incompatible with Tcl/Tk 8.3 and causes a lock-up during
the menu building.



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this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=5367

Subject: 6.3 NVIZ: tcltk 8.3 incompatibilities


in 6.3-cvs NVIZ, panel_rast.tcl and panel_main.tcl use "frame padx
pady" in a few places. This is incompatible with Tcl/Tk 8.3 and causes
a lock-up during the menu building.


can the padx,y be moved to the "pack" step?


On 12/5/06 1:35 AM, "Hamish" <hamish_nospam@yahoo.com> wrote:

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=5367

Subject: 6.3 NVIZ: tcltk 8.3 incompatibilities


in 6.3-cvs NVIZ, panel_rast.tcl and panel_main.tcl use "frame padx
pady" in a few places. This is incompatible with Tcl/Tk 8.3 and causes
a lock-up during the menu building.

Tk Built-In Commands - frame manual page
Tk Built-In Commands - frame manual page

can the padx,y be moved to the "pack" step?

I hope so. I'll check.


Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics and Complexity
Arizona State University

phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

On 12/5/06 1:35 AM, "Hamish" <hamish_nospam@yahoo.com> wrote:

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=5367

Subject: 6.3 NVIZ: tcltk 8.3 incompatibilities


in 6.3-cvs NVIZ, panel_rast.tcl and panel_main.tcl use "frame padx
pady" in a few places. This is incompatible with Tcl/Tk 8.3 and causes
a lock-up during the menu building.

Tk Built-In Commands - frame manual page
Tk Built-In Commands - frame manual page

can the padx,y be moved to the "pack" step?

This is fixed in the cvs now. Please test and let me know.


Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics and Complexity
Arizona State University

phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

>> this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=5367
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Subject: 6.3 NVIZ: tcltk 8.3 incompatibilities


>> in 6.3-cvs NVIZ, panel_rast.tcl and panel_main.tcl use "frame padx
>> pady" in a few places. This is incompatible with Tcl/Tk 8.3 and causes
>> a lock-up during the menu building.


> can the padx,y be moved to the "pack" step?

This is fixed in the cvs now. Please test and let me know.

there is still one in panel_main.tcl, line 222:

nviz/scripts$ grep -n frame panel_main.tcl | grep pad
58: pack [frame $BASE.redrawf -bd 1 -relief flat ] -padx 3 -pady 5 -side top -fill x -expand 1
149: pack [frame $BASE.midt -relief flat -bd 0] -side top -expand 1 -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
150: pack [frame $BASE.midf -relief flat -bd 0] -side left -expand 1 -padx 5
222: frame $BASE.bframe.cframe -relief flat -borderwidth 0 -pady 5
243: pack $BASE.bframe.cframe.pers $BASE.bframe.cframe.tw -side left -fill x -expand 1 -padx 3
244: pack $BASE.bframe -side top -fill x -expand 1 -padx 3

panel_surf.tcl is now ok.


On 12/5/06 4:49 PM, "Hamish" <hamish_nospam@yahoo.com> wrote:

there is still one in panel_main.tcl, line 222:

nviz/scripts$ grep -n frame panel_main.tcl | grep pad
58: pack [frame $BASE.redrawf -bd 1 -relief flat ] -padx 3 -pady 5 -side
top -fill x -expand 1
149: pack [frame $BASE.midt -relief flat -bd 0] -side top -expand 1 -fill x
-padx 5 -pady 5
150: pack [frame $BASE.midf -relief flat -bd 0] -side left -expand 1 -padx
222: frame $BASE.bframe.cframe -relief flat -borderwidth 0 -pady 5
243: pack $BASE.bframe.cframe.pers $BASE.bframe.cframe.tw -side left -fill
x -expand 1 -padx 3
244: pack $BASE.bframe -side top -fill x -expand 1 -padx 3

panel_surf.tcl is now ok.

I fixed and committed it.


Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics and Complexity
Arizona State University

phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton