[GRASS-dev] [bug #5462] (grass) GRASS should support exporting E00

guest wrote (Fri, Feb 2 2007 03:31:25):

It is possible that GRASS will be support v.out.e00 in the next
version.Infact, I am using both arc/info and grass, So, I demand GRASS
version 6.0 supporting export e.00 format (V.out.e00), because I can
exchange GIS data between agencies in Thailand that mostly use arc/info.

I suppose that the best way to go, and most likely to succeed, would be to ask
for (even better - fund) the support for writing E00 in GDAL/OGR library
http://www.gdal.org/ogr/, which GRASS uses for vector import/export. Then a
wide variety of FOSS GIS, including GRASS, could use this functionality.

Note that GDAL 1.4.0 already supports E00 for reading. See:


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