Hi all,
I have tried to fix b > t g.region bug. Do you think that -p|-p3 flag
should also print information about number of cells/3dcells. It may be
useful information -- from user point of view...
Current behaviour:
GRASS 6.1.cvs (spearfish60):~ >
g.region -d
g.region res3=100 b=100 t=0 -p3
tbres: -inf
depths: 0
g.region -p3
ERROR: region for current mapset is invalid
line 15: <depths: 0>
run "g.region"
g.region -d
g.region t=100 b=0 tbres=500 -p3
tbres: inf
depths: 0
g.region -p3
ERROR: region for current mapset is invalid
line 15: <depths: 0>
run "g.region"
After patching
g.region -d
g.region res3=100 b=100 t=0 -p3
ERROR: Invalid region: Top must be larger than Bottom
g.region -p3
top: 1.00000000
bottom: 0.00000000
tbres: 1
depths: 1
cells: 302418
3dcells: 302418
g.region -d
g.region t=100 b=0 tbres=500 -p3
top: 100.00000000
bottom: 0.00000000
tbres: 100
depths: 1
cells: 302418
3dcells: 302418
If you find the patch useful, please commit it to CVS, thanks.
Best regards, Martin
Martin Landa <landa.martin@gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *
g_region_tb-cells.diff.gz (1.62 KB)