[GRASS-dev] grass-dev has moved to discourse.osgeo.org

We’ve been mirroring this mailing list for sometime on discourse and we have
grass-developers already on discourse.

The mailing list will soon be closed (the archives should stay). If you would like to
continue receiving notices and posting then signup or login as detailed here


Once you have logged in, you can post messages at
https://discourse.osgeo.org/c/grass/developer/61 or email at grass-dev@discourse.osgeo.org.

Thank you,

Hi Anna,

I’ve had the GRASS dev Discourse bookmarked for awhile. But I now realize that I’m not sure about the location of the Discourse replacement for the main GRASS list.

Clicking on the GRASS card of the main OSGEO Discourse page takes me to a Discourse page, without a lot of entries, and that says “GRASS GIS Developer” at the top. Is this the main list or a dev list?


grass-user will follow, I just didn’t have time to initiate it with OSGeo admins yet.

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