Tim Bailey
GSOC Week 2 Check in
An Implementation of Horizon based Stratigraphy for GRASS7
Hello everyone,
This week I am checking in a bit early because I am heading to the California Forest Soils Council meeting in a matter of hours.
This week I developed a workspace based on prior wetland mapping of a tidally influenced salt marsh in the Northeast corner of Humboldt Bay, in Northwest California. I went through each of the r3 modules to examine the current capabilities. In addition I have been continuing to develop workspaces, focused on subsurface geologic structures in Simi Valley, and Mountain View California.
One of the issues that is emerging are the irregularities in how the borehole logs were recorded. I spent a significant amount of time tracking down published research covering the conversations on the Grass Dev listserve about
I looked into ordinal logistic regression, as well as Tprogs for handling attribute data. Several of the published Ore body assays, quantified z anisotropy compared to xy. In addition I have continued to work on a generalized solution for subsurface structures from p wave first arrivals on seismic surveys.
Next week my primary task is going to be to settle and code on the voxel assignment operator.
Finally I have come up with a bit of branding. Since r.horizon is already being used by a viewshed module I propose that my module to be named r3.strata. Kind of nice ring to it.
Tim Bailey