thanks for the information.
Actually this is a “quick ‘n’ dirty cartography / print sheet generator”
made with the help of Vaclav in the past few weeks. It consumes workspace files for map compositions.
Presently runs on bitmap output of the cairo driver but I also dream about utf-8 postsctript
page assembly later on…
d.cartosim is the esperimental name, still looking for the final name of it, possibly
better in the m.* group.
My goal with workspace query would be to reach this with present nomenclature:
d.cartosim -q
-q is for quick mode where it would get the name of workspace file, if any and would
create a pdf file of A4 landscape 300dpi at the same location with the name of the workspace
file as a quick printable pdf. (current region would be used also for the visual snapshot)
I quite often need good resolution printout of my workspace (~ kind of visual map) compositions on paper
as some professors are still “offline” who I need to work with. Fast printed handouts are very useful and time saving.
Since it is for office printing, 300-600 dpi bitmap processing is enough, no need for professional postscript with stroke fonts.
So, workspace information would also be a time saver (yes, those seconds of selecting the very same workspace file with a file dialog).
Yes, I’m lazy.
best regards
2016-07-11 22:40 GMT+02:00 Anna Petrášová <>:
On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 9:35 AM, Robert Kuszinger <> wrote:
I’d like to get information in python script whether:
if wxGUI running or not, and if yes:
the only thing related to that was implemented for g.gui.* modules:
which passes grass interface object to the main function of the
script. But this needs to be run from the GUI.
the name of the current workspace file, if set (opened or saved) or clearly
a “no” answer if not
there is information if workspace is loaded and if it has been changed
since, but it’s not easily accessible, that would have to be part of
the interface. May I ask you what’s your use case?
A multi-OS solution is welcome (linux ps filtering for wxgui works but I
need something cross-platform, GRASS internal if possible)
I tried to look in sources but spent to much time and I have no idea still.
Any help is welcome.
Best regards and thanks
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