[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] updating kriging modules for grass 62

hi Pierluigi,
On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 11:06:59AM +0100, Pierluigi De Rosa wrote:

Dear User,
I have updated on GRASS addons v.variogram anv v.krige run on spgrass6 >= 0.3
and sp >= 0.9
I created a new one module v.krige.cv to perform leave-one-out- Cross
Validation of variogram model. Obviously this modules have to be run before
I know my explanation is really short but if anyone is interested to this
modules and he wont to undestand better how they works please let me kwon it
and I will write a better tutorial

this is great news. Would it be possible to rewrite v.krige and
v.krige.cv, so that the validation would be part of v.krige - like
v.surf.rst does ?

Would it be possible to rename the module to v.surf.krige ?

IMHO this module should be part of GRASS cvs too - what do others think?


Jachym Cepicky
e-mail: jachym.cepicky@centrum.cz
URL: http://les-ejk.cz
GPG: http://www.les-ejk.cz/pgp/jachym_cepicky-gpg.pub
Department of Geoinformation Technologies
Zemedelska 3
613 00, Brno
Czech Republick
e-mail: xcepicky@node.mendelu.cz
URL: http://mapserver.mendelu.cz
Tel.: +420 545 134 514

Jachym Cepicky wrote:

Would it be possible to rename the module to v.surf.krige ?

+1, if not a problem

IMHO this module should be part of GRASS cvs too - what do others think?

Doesn't v.krige depend on R? This would bring another dependency to
