Thanks, but neither are relevant (or work) in my case. See below.
2012/6/26 Michael Barton <>:
What is the test for the parser based overwrite flag?
as I told you the flag is added by parser automatically when there is
at least one option which is dedicated for output, eg. G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
I don't want a pull down list of existing files. I just want a string option so that users can enter a prefix to create 3 output files.
So %# type: string.
Of course this does not automatically add the overwrite flag
Martin Landa <landa.martin> * Studijní program Geodézie a kartografie – GeoWikiCZ
My question was about testing for the overwrite flag. But I did try this, as I mentioned in my post to Glynn and get an error wherever I put it. I tried in the string option for output prefix first, of course. But when that didn't work, I tried in the input and pull-down for sharpening algorithm too. No luck anywhere. If it only works in an option specified by G_OPT_R_OUTPUT and G_OPT_V_OUTPUT automatically generates and overwrite flag box without adding it, it seems kind of redundant. Shrug.
I wrote a workaround using an -o flag. But if there is some other way to do this, let me know.
It will help when the g.parser docs are updated from the current BASH centric examples to use G_OPT_R_OUTPUT, G_OPT_V_OUTPUT, and other such function that currently only show up in the C part of the programmer's manual.
2012/6/26 Michael Barton <>:
Is there some special way to specify an overwrite flag in a script? Or is it
overwrite flag should be added automatically by the parser when the
module produces any output. In really special cases you can force
adding overwrite flag by
#% overwrite: yes
Martin Landa <landa.martin> * Studijní program Geodézie a kartografie – GeoWikiCZ
On Jun 28, 2012, at 1:10 AM, Martin Landa wrote:
2012/6/28 Michael Barton <>:
#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
#% key: ms3
#% description: Input raster map for red channel
So there is no way to add "new" unless I redo the options section.
but this is standard option for input not output! "new" refers to
`gisprompt`. Eg.
#% gisprompt: new,cell,raster
but is added automatically e.g. for G_OPT_R_OUTPUT.
I added "#% overwrite: yes" by itself,
#% overwrite: yes
wrong, see my previous answer (just read it carefully)
#% overwrite: yes
Martin Landa <landa.martin> * Studijní program Geodézie a kartografie – GeoWikiCZ
C. Michael Barton
Visiting Scientist, Integrated Science Program
National Center for Atmospheric Research &
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
303-497-2889 (voice)
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Arizona State University