Hi all,
I just noticed that the use of ORCID IDs is a bit heterogenous within the developer group. This is of course a matter of personal choice and preferences, but maybe some of you want get more out of their ORCID accounts:
According to the Zenodo landing page (GRASS GIS) there are currently 26 GRASS GIS developers, of which 18 have already registered an ORCID (the tiny round green icons next to the names). I just ran some queries on ORCID in preparation for the OSGeo Townhall at EGU 2025 and discovered that only five of the GRASS developers have activated the credit forwarding option. This option automagically adds a new record to their ORCID pages whenever a new GRASS GIS software release is published and deposited on Zenodo. This will become more relevant when the number of DOI-based references to GRASS GIS in scientific literature picks up. This might also become an asset to motivate early career scientists to join the development team: In the near future, publication DOI for articles, code DOI for GRASS GIS, data DOI for GRASS GIS-derived data sets and personal ORCIDs will become even more entangled for due credit.