No good. I was hoping to use GRASS 5.7 - I tried to both point and area but I ran into some odd limit - both quit at 1105902 features. The error was that it couldn't insert a new row into the values.
So, your suggestion to use sites in GRASS 5.3 didn't work either. Even dividing the globe into 4 quarters. The conversion to sites worked, no problems with feature limits. They also projected fine. But I get a bus error in after a while. (I've never had luck with, maybe I'm using too much data). I was even using a cell size 1/4 of the original unprojected data (latlong 30" GLOBE DEM to 4000m projected).
A question about the inverse projection thing - is that a PROJ limitation, or a general limitation of the Aitoff/Winkel Tripel projection?
Kinda interesting sidenote - it seems ArcInfo & ArcGIS do a forward projection of rasters, so it doesn't have this problem. BUT, ArcInfo (that is, the old workstation stuff) has problems when anything but 0 deg is used as the central meridian - it cuts off the west 1/4. bleh. ArcGIS (that is, desktop stuff) is supposed to have fixed the problem, but you must use the new 'geodatabase' storage, which requires ArcSDE. Arrrrgggghhhhh!
Well, finally got it done by using Arc to convert to points and project and to raster (topogridtool 16 hrs!). Did the masking and relief with GRASS. phew!
On Jul 15, 2004, at 3:53 AM, Glynn Clements wrote:
Request Tracker wrote:
this bug's URL:
Subject: aitoff/winkel tripel fails on rasters
When trying to project a raster from geographic (or any other
projection) to a Winkel Tripel or Aitoff, r.proj spews out VERY many
pj_transform() failed
cause: non-convergent inverse meridinal dist
errors, then gives up with:
ERROR: Input map is outside current region
and stops. The region is correct - I use proj (or m.proj2 in
grass53) to determine the extents needed. And it projects vectors
(v.proj) just fine.
Neither Aitoff nor Winkel Tripel have defined inverse projections, so
you can't project to those projections with r.proj; you can project
from them, though. v.proj and s.proj use forward projections, so they
don't have this problem (they have the opposite problem: you can
project to such projections, but not from them).
For projections which don't have an inverse, you can use a sequence of, s.proj and
Although, we should make r.proj (or PROJ itself) handle this situation
William Kyngesburye <>
Theory of the Universe
There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarrely inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
-Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 2nd season intro