[GRASS5] [bug #3546] (grass) i/o error in r.out.arc, accuracy too low

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3546

Subject: i/o error in r.out.arc, accuracy too low

Platform: GNU/Linux/i386
grass obtained from: CVS
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: 6.1 cvs 2005

Karl Broich

The accuracy of outputformat in r.out.arc is inconsistant with GRASS internal format.

GRASS uses internally an accuracy of 8 numbers. r.out.arc writes out only 6 numbers.

After export and reimport with r.in.arc into GRASS this is felt as an mismatch of several cells at the east boundary. This error possibly occurs just on huge grids with n x n >> 1000 x 1000.

Example :

Original North/West corner :
n =28.64083333
w =37.45333333

After export with r.out.arc :
n =28.640833
w =37.453333

Increasing the accuracy for r.out.arc output should be no problem.

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