[GRASS5] iso8859-2


How can I force Grass6 to use iso8859-2 for data base encoding? Cannot be done via DB_ENCODING variable. iso8859-2 is the encoding standard for any Linux distro with Polish settings. We rather don't use utf8.

Maciek Sieczka

Maciek Sieczka napsal(a):


How can I force Grass6 to use iso8859-2 for data base encoding? Cannot be done via DB_ENCODING variable. iso8859-2 is the encoding standard for any Linux distro with Polish settings. We rather don't use utf8.

Maciek Sieczka

Czech and Slovak people are using latin2 too... It would be grate, to have it...


Maciek Sieczka wrote:


How can I force Grass6 to use iso8859-2 for data base encoding? Cannot be done via DB_ENCODING variable. iso8859-2 is the encoding standard for any Linux distro with Polish settings. We rather don't use utf8.

Which module?


On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 09:55:23AM +0200, Radim Blazek wrote:

Maciek Sieczka wrote:
>How can I force Grass6 to use iso8859-2 for data base encoding? Cannot
>be done via DB_ENCODING variable. iso8859-2 is the encoding standard for
>any Linux distro with Polish settings. We rather don't use utf8.

Which module?



d.what.vect -e

GRASS6.1.cvs(xy):~> g.gisenv set=GRASS_DB_ENCODING=iso-8859-2
GRASS6.1.cvs(xy):~> v.digit -n pokus
Map does not exist.
New empty map created.
cat integer , majitel varchar ( 50 )
UPOZORNÌNÍ: Výchozí ovladaè / databáze nastavena na:
            ovladaè: dbf
            databáze: $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/
Could not set Tcl system encoding to iso-8859-2
Building topology ...


Jachym Cepicky
e-mail: jachym.cepicky@centrum.cz
URL: http://les-ejk.cz
GPG: http://www.fle.czu.cz/~jachym/gnupg_public_key/