2005/12/23, Glynn Clements <glynn@gclements.plus.com>:
marcos boullón magán wrote:
> Sorry. I'm not sure this is the best place to post this newbie
> question, but maybe you can redirect me to the right list.
> Trying my Grass 6.0.1 under cygwin (compiled by myself) with the most
> basic sample code, (r.example)[1] on the spearfish60 data [2], I
> realized that the input and output raster maps don't match. The basic
> code is a loop G_get_raster_row (...), then G_put_raster_row (...)
> with no transformation, but the raster map "PERMANENT/cell/density",
> size 16853, converts to "user1/cell/d",size 180759, using same region
> parameters. Size x 10!!.
> user> grass spearfish60/user1
> $ g.region ...
> $ r.example input=density output=d
> $ ls -l spearfish60/PERMANENT/cell/density spearfish60/user1/cell/d
> Is this size increment a normal behaviour? Didn't spearfish60 data
> maps optimized for grass 6.0x data formats?
What does:
diff -u PERMANENT/cellhd/density user1/cellhd/d
Glynn Clements <glynn@gclements.plus.com>
You were right! The "e-w resol", "n-s resol" were changed from 100 to
10 for this map, therefor the x10 increase in the data. I only checked
the WIND file in both mapsets, not the cellhd files. Never more.
(BTW: I assume the x10 size increase instead a predicted x100
--resolution changed in the both dimensions x10-- is because the map
is stored in compressed format; could anyone confirm?)
Thanks a lot.
GRASS 6.0.1 (spearfish60):~/trabajo/grass/data/spearfish60 > ls PERMANENT/cell
/density user1/cell/density -la
-rw-r--r-- 1 marcos mkgroup-l-d 16853 Nov 5 2001 PERMANENT/cell/density
-rw-r--r-- 1 marcos mkgroup-l-d 180759 Dec 19 18:31 user1/cell/density
GRASS 6.0.1 (spearfish60):~/trabajo/grass/data/spearfish60 > diff -u PERMANENT/
cellhd/density user1/cellhd/density
--- PERMANENT/cellhd/density 2001-11-05 12:13:24.000000000 +0100
+++ user1/cellhd/density 2005-12-19 18:31:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
proj: 1
zone: 13
north: 4928000
-south: 4914000
+south: 4914020
east: 609000
-west: 590000
-cols: 190
-rows: 140
-e-w resol: 100
-n-s resol: 100
+west: 590010
+cols: 1899
+rows: 1398
+e-w resol: 10
+n-s resol: 10
format: 0
compressed: 1
-- marcos boullón magán