[GRASS5] r.mapcalc and d.what.rast bug

On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 10:39:04AM +0100, Jaro Hofierka wrote:

BTW, I tried the following example using r.mapcalc:

>r.mapcalc aa = "tan(90)"
>d.rast aa
>GRASS 6.1.cvs (mh):~ > d.what.rast
> Left: what's here
> Right: quit
> -436846.66875(E) -1187521.35625(N)
> aa in jaro2, quant (Null)
> aa in jaro2, actual (16331778728383844.000000)

To me, both results are incorrect (Null) and (16331778728383844.000000).
At least, the calculation should be refused, or cells filled with UNDEF.


Jaro, I am experienting the same: either r.mapcalc is wrong or
d.what.rast. Can you check if this also happens inside the map?
