[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:8146] Re: nviz segfault

Another data point..

NVIZ was segfaulting on Stefan's when compiled with TclTk 8.4 and run
remotely via ssh. My Debian tests were done via X over ssh as well.
Guess it is time to rearange the lab so I can test on a local X server.


Begin forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 16:24:15 +0200
From: Stefan Istvan <stefi@geohidroterv.hu>
To: Hamish <hamish_nospam@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [GRASSLIST:8146] Re: nviz segfault

2005-09-22, cs keltezéssel 09:41-kor Hamish ezt írta:

> > which version of tcl/tk development headers are you compiling
> > with? or are you using premade binaries?
> 8.4.9. I compile it myself, because in the distro I use there is
> just old 5.3 version.

any chance of trying to compile with 8.3-dev? I need that to make it
work without segfault on Debian. Which distro are you using?

Thank you for the help, now it works. I downgraded tcl/tk to version
8.3.4, and now nviz starts perfectly.
By the way, I use gentoo linux.

Best regards,